Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hungarian Kate goes to the Market and gets her Magyar on!

In Budapest for a couple of days and happy to have warm, sunny weather rather than the weather that greeted me upon arrival (and seemed to reappear in Oradea and Beius). Truly a summer day!

While working with Habitat, there was a Kathryn on our team and we anticipated that the local staff would struggle with differentiating our names.  By the end of the trip, Emil (the Habitat for Humanity, Beius Volunteer Coordinator) started calling me Hungarian Kate to be able to quickly get the correct person. Kinda liked that!

Have felt over the last two weeks that my Hungarian is quite good. Somewhat ironic since very few people in Oradea or Beius spoke Hungarian while I was there.  And in Budapest you can get by quite easily speaking english.

So decided to test the waters and get out there today in Budapest and speak. In 2008 I missed the chance to go to the Market...Budapest Central Market aka Nagy Vasarcsarnok.....think St. Lawrence Market in Toronto but in an even more beautiful building with more delicious food and beautiful crafts. And lots of Hungarian speakers. I did see the outside of it with my Dad in 2008 but it is closed on Sundays and we were unable to explore it. It was now or never.

Happy to say I successfully bought peaches, blueberries, cheese, bread and of course some kolbass (sweet not hot!)...all in Hungarian!  Breakfast and possibly lunch is covered for the next few days! 

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