Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Sunday with no itinerary? Priceless!

I can not remember the last Sunday I had that did not have a schedule, list of things to do, alarm that needed to be set. Normally my Sundays involve an early morning start to get my run in.  Had a good proper sleep-in and then a lovely late breakfast/brunch with all my market purchases (which were delicious by the way!)
The deli wrapping from the cheese we bought at the Market.  I'm pretty sure the pig and cow are chattin' up the chicken!  
We headed out to wander the city and shop!  I'm spending the bulk of this next week with my friend Kim.  Kim was my team leader for this Habitat build.
Kim and I at our last dinner in Oradea before heading to Beius
I met Kim in 2008 when she led my Habitat build in Szarvas, Hungary.  We were room-mates and instant friends.  In 2008 we had a bit of time in Budapest together but wanted the chance to explore the city together this time around.  Kim knows the city very well having been here many times with Habitat...and we both love the place.  Plus we both are happy to simply wander and explore by accident and not with any real purpose.  She a great friend, an excellent team leader! I'm lucky to have this time with her.

I should also note that we both love afternoon coffee and treat breaks!  In 2008 it was the quest for the perfect Dobos torta.

My Great Aunt made the best Dobos and I have tried not only to buy a slice that matches but even try to re-create hers.  Inspired to give it a try again once I am home. 

But with the heat these last few days it seems to be the perfect ice cream I am in search for.  I love ice cream so I'm in a good place. Sadly they are all so good here, it's hard to pick a winner!

After spending the last 2 weeks as a group of twelve all the time, there is a strange loneliness now that everyone is gone save Kim.  Woke up missing the Beav, Sarah and Pete.  Travelling in a group is a fascinating experience which I should write more about once I have time to reflect a bit.  Definitely a learning experience every time I do it.

One last dinner in Budapest and then off to Holland tomorrow via Brussels!  Kim is starting a new life in Brunssum, Holland working at an international school.  Will be helping her get settled in her new house and checkin' out her new hood!

I suspect cheese, beer and chocolate are in my future!

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