Wednesday, August 17, 2011


The image is a photo of the gift each of us received from Habitat for Humanity Beius to thank us for our time, effort and hard work
I arrived back in Toronto on Sunday at noon.  The last two days have been a bit of a blur trying to readjust to the timezone, to Toronto, to work and to life in general. Coming "home" is always a mixed emotion for me and this time was no different.  That sense of leaving the adventure and exploration that a trip provides is hard for me. Saying farewell to friends who are suddenly farther away now is never easy. Of course that is met with the joy of seeing family and friends again who are close to home....and sleeping in your own bed!

Home is something I've thought about quite a lot on this trip.

Habitat for Humanity encourages home ownership to provide families a sense of pride and responsibility not to mention the comfort and safety that a roof, walls and rooms can provide.  A sense of community is created among the Habitat homeowners as well with the Habitat staff.  A home is security; peace of mind; sense of place.

I traveled to Romania in part to help Habitat for Humanity  but also to discover if there was any sense of home for me there.  I grew up hearing stories of Transylvania and had a strong desire to see it first hand.  Of course I grew up with the idea that it was Hungary.  And of course while it once was, it is no longer.  And yet there was an undeniable familiarity and comfort for me while in Oradea and Beius.  Not sure if it was just coincidence or because there is an unspoken and intangible connection to a place where your ancestors are from even if politics and borders have changed.

I was able to help Kim make her house feel more like her home while in Brunssum. The house itself is beautiful so this was not about making it pretty; it was about making it familiar and hers. We all go through that when we move and even to some extent when you travel.  Those little things that somehow transform a seemingly random space into something warm and familiar; making it somehow yours even if only briefly.

Not sure if home is a thing, a place or a concept.  Perhaps it is all of these.  Of course "home is where the heart is" is a tired expression.  And somewhat confusing if your heart is spread around the world with friends and family who are all over.

It is nice to be back and in my home. At least for now.....

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