Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Please surrender your passport!

After much needed sleep and a minimal diet of rice cakes, black tea and Rusk breads I woke up feeling much more like myself.  Aliens seem to have vacated my body!!

Kim moved in to her house in Brunssum, Netherlands one day before she then left to meet the Habitat team in Budapest.  She starts her new job next week.  My hope was that by being here I could help her get a bit more settled and help her do some last minute things.

Yesterday we managed to get the internet and the cable hooked up and functional!  Yes we can build houses for Habitat but sometimes setting up internet and cable can be challenging!  We however got her done!!  (And I was partially in a coma all day so really, I'm surprised we got anything done!)

After breakfast and after organizing closets, we went for a walk.  Kim's house is in a lovely neighbourhood surrounded by park lands and trails.  We happened about a lake and found some new neighbours.

At long last Kim's car was delivered.  A very exciting moment...wheels!

The car also meant we needed to head to the NATO base to investigate when Kim could get her local plates and where we were able to drive the car.  The hope was that we could drive to Brussels on Thursday. So it was off to the NATO base!  Ahh yes, images of men in uniform flashed through my mind!  But it all got rather serious when they asked me to surrender my passport to obtain a visitor badge and get access onto the base.  But not to worry, passport returned upon exit!

Sadly I'm not stuck here indefinitely.

Got the thumbs up to drive where we needed (and to Brussels should we decide to do that!)  so we headed out to shop for some home stuff.  Driving is an adventure.  It is the town of round-a-bouts  and one-way streets but Kim did a great job.  A couple of furniture stores and then...Ikea!  Ikea really is fascinating!  Once you step through the doors, you could be in any Ikea in any city.  Except that from what I could tell, the Ikea resto offers much better food than at home.  AND there is an Ikea cafe with fresh baked cakes and made to order coffees. Very civilized!! No sign of cinnamon buns though.

Stop at the grocery store to get some essentials and ingredients for dinner. Of course I feel at home in a kitchen. Her's is great.

I had told Kim I would bake for her this week but not sure we will get that in.  Instead I made her dinner and promised to make homemade Aubergine dip tomorrow for her.

A productive day and I think I was helpful as well. Enjoying the down time that being at home allows...even  when it's not your own home. Not sure what tomorrow will bring but no doubt it will be a good day.  

Some more shots of Kim's great house: 
The entrance and front hall-way. Love the spiral staircase!

Living room...and the great couch where I spent most of Monday afternoon and evening

Dining room

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